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BIOptimizers - Awesome Health Podcast

Oct 24, 2019


He’s sometimes known as Dr. Amazon, and he is the embodiment of Eastern mysticism meeting Western science and ideas. It was no easy journey for him to reach that embodiment, and today he is sharing his well-earned wisdom on today’s episode of Awesome Health Podcast.

Despite growing up in a traditional...

031: Avoiding Burn Out Through The Nervous System with Matt Gallant

Oct 18, 2019


More Awesome Health With Matt Gallant

We start by talking about a burnout experience I had a few years ago, and how I recovered. In essence, we're talking about managing your nervous system. Doing so is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and...

Oct 17, 2019




Welcome to the inaugural BiOptimizers’ Awesome Health podcast! For our first show I’m excited to bring you Matt Gallant.

Matt GallantMatt and I started the journey that created BiOptimizers about 13 years ago. He was a personal trainer at that time, and was also learning about online marketing. He approached...

Oct 17, 2019


Scott Abel joins BiOptimizers' Awesome Health podcast to talk about The Cycle Diet, metabolic training and metabolic damage, and why he left the bodybuilding competition world.On BiOptimizers' Awesome Health podcast I have the pleasure of bringing you some of the greatest contributors to the health, fitness and wellness world. And today's guest is a prime example: he is a world-renowned coach, former competitor and best-selling author.

This man is an important guest for me as well; I...

Oct 17, 2019


Dr Udo ErasmusWelcome back to the BiOptimizers’ Awesome Health podcast! For our third show I’m delighted to bring you the one and only, Dr. Udo Erasmus.

Dr. Erasmus is the pioneer on healthy fats and has been for 30 years. He was researching this topic before any of us had an even heard the term “healthy fats”. He’s...