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BIOptimizers - Awesome Health Podcast

Feb 24, 2022

How we enter this world and leave this world makes a huge difference. 

For most of the western world, we all experience a similar allopathic birth protocol in a sterile environment we call the hospital. 

Likewise, when we die, we often leave this world in an allopathic environment, like a hospital. Or an allopathic...

Feb 10, 2022

Discover the power of ‘Tonic Herbs’

Our guest Scott Linde, Founder of Sun Potion Transformational Foods, boils down his entrepreneurial motivations to this simple fact: he enjoys feeling real good. 

And he wants to share his health and wellness discoveries with others. 

Growing up close to nature in Minnesota,...

Feb 3, 2022

For those haunted by a dark past - here’s proof you can turn your life around - starting today! 

One of the biggest takeaways from our guest’s story is this: whatever secrets are in your past do not dictate your future (unless you allow it.) 

Doug Bopst is a good example. He went from being a drug addict, drug...