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BIOptimizers - Awesome Health Podcast

Sep 7, 2022

When it comes to the kid's nutrition, there are a lot of present-day challenges that parents face. 

These challenges can include:

  • The standards for a medical doctor when recommending dietary changes are unclear.
  • The internet has made it easier for people to connect and share information.
  • Many parents are unsure of how to provide for their children nutritionally.
  • And baby food products that are unhealthy and unbalanced.

Serenity and Joe Carr set out to change this parental uncertainty: they wanted their baby girl, Della, to grow up healthy and strong. That's when they decided to start their company, Serenity Kids

Serenity Kids creates baby foods that are designed to mimic the nutrients present in breast milk. The baby food is made from pasture-raised meats, organic vegetables, and oils. Serenity has been eating a paleo-style diet for four years and credits it with helping her become healthier. 

In this podcast, we cover:

  • The challenges around baby nutrition and how parents should handle these challenges.
  • What is the difference between the way big companies and small companies take food safety?
  • What are the best foods for babies?
  • The ingredients in the best formula milk
  • The benefits of Serenity Kids

And so much more.

How might a baby's health be affected by a diet high in sugar and low in fat?

Serenity explains that a baby's health can be affected by a diet high in sugar and low in fat in several ways:

"It's pretty scary what you'll find in baby food these days. With all the processed junk that's out there,"

  1. Food that is often loaded with high sugar can lead to blood sugar spikes and dips, disrupting a baby's sleep patterns and causing fussiness.
  2. Some baby foods contain high levels of arsenic, and other heavy metals which can be harmful to developing brains and bodies.
  3. Some others are packed with fillers like cornstarch or rice flour, which add no nutritional value.

If you are struggling to find the right formula for your child or want to give your child the best nutrition out there, this is the perfect podcast for you to listen to.

Episode Resources: 
The code to use - BIOPTIMIZERS
