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BIOptimizers - Awesome Health Podcast

Jan 19, 2021

“[The pandemic] is the biggest freaking wake-up call we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. Prevention freaking matters.” 

JJ Virgin is a prominent TV and media personality. Her resume includes co-host of TLC’s Freaky Eaters, two years as the on-camera nutritionist for Weight Loss Challenges on Dr. Phil, and numerous PBS appearances, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and the TODAY Show. 

JJ is the author of four NY Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook and Warrior Mom: 7 Secrets to Bold, Brave Resilience, 

She also hosts the popular Ask the Health Expert podcast, with over 8 million downloads and growing. And also regularly writes for Rodale Wellness, Mind Body Green, and other major blogs and magazines.